I just saw a 17 minute long interview with Dr. Bilal Philips (contemporary Islamic scholar, teacher, speaker, and author red.), after his speech in Copenhagen, Denmark to promote the Islamic religion. My conceptual feelings towards Dr. Philips were tainted by the media and thus negative and skeptical. I saw, however, an intellectual who had something to say. I don’t agree with Islamic law but I got the feeling that according to him at least, I don’t have to. His immediate thoughts on Islamic societies as minorities in western countries, and his advice to them seemed blunt, honest, open-minded and acceptable for the majority of parties involved. I felt it hard to disagree with him, and at the same time remain the impartial man I strive to be.
When the interview ended I was left with a desire to ask Dr. Philips one question and one question only. I know that my personality and agnostic vision on religion can accept and respect the person in that interview as a fellow human being. My question is: Will he truly be able to say them same thing about me?
Dr. Bilal Philips,