My tribute to life

I’m sitting in my chair with no perception of time,
debating if I have the skills to create a rhyme.
I found one today that I almost forgot,
left in My Documents to age and rot.

Funny how words can be left to remain,
and mean the world when you read them again.
These told a story about losing a friend,
believing he was there beyond the wall of pretend.

We have all been there; losing a friend,
Thought: “No way this friendship will end!”
“What happened to us, where did he go?
Thinking of it, I missed him an hour ago”.

Friends are important; they mean the most,
should not be forgotten like ancient ghosts.
But sometimes they part without goodbyes,
when we walk in the dark with tears in our eyes.

Life should be nothing but laughter and smiles,
Adored in all colors, shapes, shades and styles.
I’m not afraid life; come eat me raw!
You’ll soon be tired and spit me out of your jaws.

I embrace life, happiness and all “tomorrows”
I’d rather be optimistic than drown in sorrows.
I was given a chance and I want to be free,
Life is a placebo – whatever you hold it to be!

I agree that life has teeth’s and can be grim,
but if you smile at the darkness, chances are slim.
The white wall is beautiful the black is not,
there is love out there, have your forgot?

So many good deeds, so many people are giving,
I just wanted to tell you that life is worth living.
This is the result of letting my words stride,
I guess you could call it; my tribute to “life”.

This is number one; my first poem ever,
It was fun but I’m skeptic, it’s really not that clever!
I love people who can truly write; there’s nothing finer!
This was barely an attempt – my poem in B minor.


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