I am fed up with chicks who constantly complain about having migraines, when all they most likely have, is a regular headache. It has become a term used to invoke undeserved sympathy, and I can’t stand it!
One of my very best friends, a fine gentleman, has suffered from actual migraines. Here is his description of what that entails, and why you should think twice about claiming you have it:
It is highly unlikely that they are suffering from a full migraine every other day. That is unless they are basically living in a dark room, and shun all light and sound and touch. Migraines by definition are debilitating. You can’t work through one, you can’t have any sort of life through one. A migraine basically takes your brain and sets it on fire. Medically migraine diagnosis is very difficult, but it is thought that migraines occur when the brain and its lining become inflamed and swell due to increased vascular pressure, allergic reaction, or other unknown stimuli.
Migraine symptoms: Pain, lots and lots of pain (Child birth level pain), Extreme photosensitivity, sensitivity to sounds, sensitivity to touch, visual auras around objects, blurry vision, nausea, vertigo, dizziness, depression, and others.
Migraines are 60% more common in women than in men, I am actually one of the few men I know to have suffered from migraines, and I did have them every other day.. However, that being said, I spent a lot of time in hospitals because of it, a lot of MRI, PET and CT scans trying to find the cause. Migraines are not, a headache that just goes away and you can work around it. The truest definition of Migraine is debilitating. Completely debilitating.
Women have a tendency to call every bad headache a Migraine. More likely it is a tension headache, which a far more common. Migraines can not be treated by NSAIDs… If they are taking advil, or aleve or something like that and it is working… Chances are its not a migraine. Migraines are hard to diagnose. If they are truly having migraines, I am very sympathetic, it is a pain like no other… If not its just a word they are using to describe a bad headache. Either way, headaches are serious, be patient but don’t let them take advantage of that.