Ok ok, I know it’s been like 6 months since I last posted anything here, and I’m sorry. Things went a little crazee there for a while and I been distracted to say the least. Knowing that I probably talk to a forum viewed only by me, writing at all might be somewhat pathetic, but fuck it; I need this repository to serve as a valve for all the undigested verbal crab I carry around.
Things have changed. I no longer live in Maryland or in the US for that matter. I moved back to beautiful Denmark, after quitting my job in December, and boy should I have thought twice about that. Denmark is great and so are the people, but my ability to land a job quickly were overrated to say the least. I realize now just how much the IT industry suffered these past two years, and even though we’re bouncing back, we’re bouncing back slowly. There are vast masses of skilled but unemployed IT professionals out there!
Now, having had a long time to think about my options, I feel that I am truly ready to get back into it. My resume is spotless (or so I think), I have a vision of clarity that shows me exactly what I want to do, and I have analysed the industry thoroughly. I even built a website to promote my competences (www.jonlykke.com), should anyone stumble upon it.
The lesson is learned, ok, now gimme’ a fucking job and let me earn you money!
Listen; I'm sorry alright!,