Congratulation children of 1980; you are likely one of the first generations to live forever! By the time we get old, science will have found ways to duplicate apperance, the human mind and store a lifetime worth of memories digitally. If we, by the time we’re eighty, can create say a 25 year old clone of ourselves, and relocate our memories, knowledge and experience to that entity, we could essentially live forever. We would be the elders leading a whole new and evolved human race. Maybe the reason why we only utilize 10 – 12% of the human mind is because the time we’re given, simply is too inadequate to explore the opportunities that dwell within us. Is it unlikely to think that once the human race has matured enough, we will break free of those boundaries? It seems like we can almost see the horizon where war among ourselves will be forfeited to greet the verse that surrounds us. The world that used to bedazzle us with wondrous adventures has been slain by the hands of technology and wisdom; the people of earth looks up…
The infinite generation,