Only a chain reaction of certain events and a very specific setting can get me into the mood I’m in right now. And it does not happen often either; in fact I believe that I have only felt this way, a few precious times in my life.
If we add together the conclusions from some of my former blogs and the opinion of yours truly from a select few, I think it’s safe to conclude that I’m not ordinary. Not necessarily extraordinary in a specific good or bad way, just different. Maybe that’s exactly the catalyst required to reach the calm I’m feeling right now…
On my way home from an exceedingly productive day at work I wanted to swing by Blockbuster to return a few movies. The windows were down and a disc with favourable rock tunes was blasting out loud and carelessly. I looked at the sky, felt the warmth from the sun and decided to extend the ride home and drove by golf course. I played what was probably the worst front nine game in my life, but I had a blast just walking the course by my lonesome. The amount of functional and active brain cells in my head doesn’t allow me to play golf, walk and philosophize at the same time, which was probably why my game sucked so overwhelmingly. Luckily it wasn’t the ability to walk or stand, my body decided to neglect; otherwise I might have been banned from the club.
After golf I had dinner at a small restaurant and I was oddly amused by my lack of decision regarding the menu. The very rude bartender told me that my behaviour and indecision was weird so I told him to bite me, which he then did. I made it home late and I knew I had one new movie I had yet to see. Now the reason why this movie was still unseen was because it’s a drama genre, and I have something fundamentally against dramas, thus this essay.
The movie is called London; it’s from 2005 and features Jessica Biel and Chris Evans in a New York bachelor environment, with all the drugs and melancholy that could possibly spawn from that atmosphere. I had done research on this movie and all my instincts told me that I had a very pleasant experience ahead of me, like with most of the other great dramas I’ve seen. But why the indecision; why the lack of power and will to put it on, when I know the movie is great?! It’s not a matter of wasting precious time because I know as soon as the disk is in the player I will be glued to the screen. I avoid dramas until I’m left with no other choice, knowing the whole time that I will love the movie. I find my actions and decisions that way very weird.
The movie was extremely well played and it hit my personal top10 immediately. I don’t know if the movie alone affected my mood or if the events of the day had something to do with it. Maybe someone is just telling me to go watch the damn movie already; I don’t know. The fact is that I seldom get as happy as I am right now. Not the ordinary Jon-high-on-Jäger-and-beer-pong-happy; no genuinely happy, although I’m usually also very happy playing beerpong, drinking Jäger.
I can’t wait to fall asleep and let my mind can explore the impossible; with this mental fundament I am sure I will surf the stars tonight. Nights of such magnitude are so rare to me and I guess tonight was just such a night. Funny how the mind knows the secret recipe to this state of wellbeing but also knows the danger of mass production; with absolute happiness there’s only sadness.